Male partner, contraceptives, controlling behaviour, violenceAbstract
 In Nigeria, few studies have focused on the relationship between male partner controlling behaviour and contraceptive use. This study examines the influence of male controlling behaviour on contraceptive use among women in Nigeria. Data was extracted from the 2008 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS). The STATA Data Analysis software was used to analyse the data. Chi-square and binary logistic regression were used to examine the relationship between male controlling behaviour and contraceptive use. Results show: 18.3% contraceptive prevalence among the women; and 51.6% of the women had experienced partner’s being jealous if they were talking with other men. Results of the logistic regression among others show that: women whose partner’s were jealous if talking with other men were 26.2% less likely to use contraceptive (OR = 0.7375, p<0.01); and women accused of unfaithfulness by their partners were 6.4% less likely to use contraceptive (OR = 0.9360, p>0.05). The study suggested the need for a special strategy targeting behaviour change among men in intimate relationships in the country.  Keywords: ÂReferences
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The author appreciates and thanks the National Population Commission (NPC) [Nigeria], ICF Macro and MEASURE DHS Project not only for the provision of the NDHS data, but also for making the data set available.
Copyright is owned by the journal.