


Emotional Intelligence, Creativity Paradigm, Psychometric Properties.


 Various studies have been carried out on emotional intelligence. But few of these studies have been able to link emotional intelligence to creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Importantly, the fact that creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are strongly driven by positive emotions cannot be ignored. This study therefore established the psychometric properties of EQ tests developed by Akinboye (2006) from creativity paradigm. The study adopted an internal methodology of validation, which includes, measure of internal consistencies (Cronbach Alpha), Split half method, convergence construct validity, discriminant validity and predictive validity. 350 workers were carefully selected for the study. The mean age of the participants was 36.02 (SD = 7.83). The findings revealed that 51.4% of the participants were males while 48.6% were females. It was also revealed that 54.3% of the participants were married, 41.4% were single while 4.3% of the participants were divorcee. The level of education of the participants ranged from secondary education to tertiary education. Five instruments developed by Akinboye: EQ Test Broad Based, Creativity EQ, Innovation EQ, Entrepreneurial EQ and Emotional Management were adopted for the study. The findings revealed that EQ test (broad based) yielded coefficient alpha of 0.94, criterion related validity (predictive type) coefficient of 0.71; Creativity EQ test yielded coefficient alpha 0,91, predictive validity coefficient 0.78; Innovation EQ test yielded coefficient alpha of 0.92, predictive validity coefficient 0.73; Entrepreneurship EQ test yielded a coefficient alpha of 0.92, predictive validity coefficient 0.77 and Management of Emotion yielded a coefficient alpha of 0.92, predictive validity coefficient 0.92. Based on the findings of this study, the test was recommended for clinical practices, organiations, individuals, academic purposes etc.     


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