Substance use disorder, Adverse Childhood Experience, ResilienceAbstract
 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic life experiences occurring before the age of 18 years and have tremendous negative impacts on the health and wellbeing of their victims. The study sought to examine the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and the occurrence of substance use disorder in adult life.A case-control study was employed in the study. One hundred and ninety patients diagnosed with substance use disorders comprised the cases, and 190 patients who had no substance use disorder and were the controls. Adverse Childhood Experiences international questionnaire and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale were used to obtain information on adverse childhood adversities and resilience respectively. The null hypothesis states that there is no significant association between ACE and substance use disorders. The hypothesis was tested using bivariate and multivariate analysis at 0.05 significant level. The cases had significantly higher proportion of exposure to adverse childhood adversities in comparison to the controls [48.4%(n=92) versus 25.8 %(n=49);p=0.0001)]. The odds of exposure to adverse childhood adversities were two times higher among cases than controls after controlling for socio-demographic variables (Adjusted OR-2.320; 95%CI: 1.44-3.75). Adverse childhood experience is associated with the occurrence of substance use disorders in adulthood irrespective of socio-demographic characteristics. Thus, public health enlightenment to family and schools are hereby advocated.ÂReferences
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