Anger Proneness, Anxiety, Life Satisfaction, Driving Behavior, Corporate DriversAbstract
 This study investigated anger proneness, anxiety, and life satisfaction as predictors of driving behavior among corporate drivers in Ibadan. A cross-sectional survey design was used for data collection. Purposive sampling was used to select ten corporate organizations while convenience sampling was used to select 199 corporate drivers with age ranging from 30-52 years old who responded to questionnaire items. Four instruments: Gracia’s Anger Proneness Scale, Satisfaction With Life Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Pro-social and Aggressive Driving Inventory were used for data collection. The data were analyzed using multiple regressions analysis and the hypothesis tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that anger proneness, anxiety, and life satisfaction jointly predicted pro-social driving behavior[R=0.26; R2= 0.07; F (3, 195) = 4.53; p=.05]. However, only anxiety (β=-.21; t=-2.45; p<.05) independently predicted pro-social driving behaviour. Also, anger proneness, anxiety, and life satisfaction jointly predicted aggressive driving behavior[R=.45; R2 = .20; F (3, 195) =16.63; p< =.05]. However, both anger proneness (β=.38; t= 4.61; p< .05) and life satisfaction         (β=-.19;t= -2.89; p<=.05) independently predicted aggressive driving behaviour among corporate drivers in Ibadan. The study concluded that anger proneness, anxiety, and life satisfaction are important predictors of pro-social and aggressive driving behaviour among corporate drivers in Ibadan. It is therefore recommended that corporate organizations should put in place a comprehensive profile screening techniques to screen prospective drivers on anger and anxiety dimensions of personality traits to avoid employing mismatched drivers into their organizations.References
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