counterproductive work behaviour, Nigerian civil service, occupational stress, perceived organisational support, self-controlAbstract
  Organisational behaviours are generally expected to be mutual between the management and employees. But the reality of life in organisations is that there are situations when this mutual respect is violated. When employees perceive any violation or unfair treatment by the organisation, trust is lost which may consequently initiate several undesirable job behaviours in a way to reciprocate the mistreatment. One way that employees repay the organisation that treats them unfairly is through engagement in counterproductive work behaviour (CWB). The present study therefore examined the predictive value of self-control, perceived organisational support (POS), and occupational stress on CWB among employees in the Nigerian civil service organisations. Cross-sectional data were collected from employees (N = 367) through random sampling technique across seven ministries within the South-eastern Nigeria. Consistent with all our speculations, the results of the hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that high self-control and POS significantly and negatively predicted CWB. Occupational stress was a significant positive predictor of CWB. The implications of the study were discussed, limitations were highlighted, and suggestions for future studies were provided.ÂReferences
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