


Work-life, Hedonic, Eudemonic, Pastor, Pentecostal


Pastoral mental health is a topic that has, to the best knowledge of the researcher, only rarely been researched empirically in the psychological literature in Nigeria, yet a pastor’s mental health can have a significant impact on churches, communities, and even nations. Therefore, this study investigated work life balance and satisfaction with life as predictors of psychological wellbeing among a selected Pentecostal Pastors in Ibadan. A cross-sectional survey design was adopted and participants were 264 Pentecostal Pastors drawn from various Pentecostal churches with ages ranging from 30 to 70 years with mean of 3.30 (SD = 1.21). Four hypotheses were tested using t-test for independent sample and multiple regression analysis. Psychological Well-Being Theory, Integrative Theory [Bottom-up/Top-down] and Four burner Theories guided this study.


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