Academic aspiration, Attitude to school, Self-efficacy, Adolescent, Secondary school, Suburban area.Abstract
This study examined the influence of attitude to school and academic self-efficacy on academic aspiration among secondary school students in suburban areas in Oyo state, Nigeria. A causal comparative design was adopted for the study. Two hundred and ninety-two secondary school students participated in the study. Three research instruments: Academic Aspiration Scale (α= .73); Academic Behaviour Confidence Scale (α= .76); and Attitude to School (α= .81) were used for data collection. Multiple regression model was employed for data analysis. The results of the study showed that attitude to school and academic self-efficacy jointly accounted for about 20% of the total variance in academic aspiration (F(2, 291)=36.075). Further, between these two, self-efficacy (β=3.16; t=5.72; P< .01) is more potent than attitude to school (β=2.33; t= 4.22; P< .01) to the prediction of academic aspiration. The outcomes of the study were discussed and it was recommended that counselling and educational psychologists should focus on boosting the academic self-efficacy and positive attitude to school towards enhancing academic aspiration among school adolescents in suburban area.References
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