Housing Affordability, Household Income, Housing and Non-Housing Expenditure, Residual Income Measure, Lagos StateAbstract
 Housing is a major indicator of the living standard of people. Inadequate housing has been a challenge particularly to Nigerian low-income earners. While studies have mostly been based on the measurements of housing affordability using the ratio approach, that which captures household expenses on non-housing needs has not been given adequate attention in literature. This study therefore is designed to examine the extent to which low-income civil servants in Lagos State, Nigeria have been able to afford housing using the residual income approach. The study is hinged on the consumption and shelter-poverty theories. A case study research design was utilized while both primary and secondary data were sourced. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted involving a purposive selection of 116 respondents from 8 (out of the 16) ministries with the highest representation of low-income civil servants in the state, for the administration of questionnaires. Analysis of data was done using descriptive statistics and Residual Income Analysis. The result showed that the high cost incurred on housing-related expenses, by an average low-income civil servant that were solely dependent on their monthly salary, ultimately led to their inability to meet up with their non-housing related expenses resulting in housing induced poverty. The study concluded that low-income civil servants in the state were cost burdened and recommends an increment in the monthly minimum wage.ÂReferences
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