Perceived social support, Self esteem, Gender, Psychological wellbeing, civil servants.Abstract
The study examined the influence of perceived social support and self-esteem on psychological well-being civil servants in Alausa-Lagos. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design, while stratified and accidental sampling techniques were employed in selecting 571 civil servants across various ministries in Alausa state secretariat. Three standardized scales: 18- item Ryff’s Scales of Psychological Well Being, perceived social support by Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet & Farley and 10-item Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale were used for data collection. Three hypotheses were raised and the results revealed significant negative relationship between self-esteem and psychological wellbeing (r=-.12, df=569, p<0.1); significant positive relationship between social support and psychological wellbeing. (r=-.75, df=569, p<0.1); males civil servants experienced higher psychological wellbeing compared to their females’ counterparts (t=4.6, df=569, p=<.01). The results were discussed and recommendations raised for future studies based on some identified limitations of the study.ÂReferences
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