


Acceptability, Woven Fabric, Contemporary Wedding Gown, Indegenous, Intending-copules


 The descriptive study was on the acceptability of the use of indigenous woven fabric among intending couples as contemporary wedding gown in Lagos state. A total of 107 respondents purposively selected were sampled at Ikoyi marriage registry, Lagos using structured and open-ended statements questionnaires; and data was analysed using descriptive statistics. Result shows respondents favourable overall acceptability (. Majority are aware of the use of indigenous woven fabric for wedding gowns (, uniqueness, aesthetic/taste and marketing acceptability mean score are  (, ( and ( respectively. Garment design, construction, size and embellishment were perfectly made and arranged with  (. However, majority of respondents ( feel indigenous woven fabric is suitable for other purposes. A little above half of the respondents 54.2% are self-employed, majority 84.7% (are between 20-30 years old with tertiary education (90.7%) and monthly income (. Despite pronounced acceptability of the wedding gown, respondents’ real use of indigenous woven fabric differ from the study, yet most intending couples expressed positive views as well as strong desire to convert their indigenous woven fabric to the newly produced garment and other useful items. Therefore, indigenous fabric should be made to contemporary ready-to-wear garments and household articles. This study had revealed necessity for further improve utilization of indigenous textile (Aso-Oke) in contemporary fashion and clothing. However, there is need for awareness on the various convenient-to-use types that now exist with great possibilities  possessed. Fashion shows/ exhibitions and trade fairs can be employed for sentization and promotion.


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