
  • AJALA Muniru Alimi


This study examined correlates of preference for close relationship with older men among undergraduate students. The study adopted correlational survey design.  A total number of four hundred and ninety-three (493) undergraduate female students were selected by the researcher for the study using stratified sampling technique. The participants were drawn across diverse demographic characteristics from all existing faculties and across levels of study in Lagos State University and University of Lagos. The mean age and standard deviation of participants were 20.0 years and 2.4 respectively. Two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using Pearson correlational matrix and regression analyses. The results revealed significant positive correlation between close relationship with older men and self-concept (r=.71, p<.01) and significant negative relationship with spirituality (r=-.62, p<.01).  In addition, significant joint prediction of self-concept and spirituality was observed on relationship with older men [R² =.029, F= 7.43, P<.01]. The predictor variables accounted for 3% of the total variation on relationship with older men. Independently, self-concept [β= .126; p<.01] and spirituality [β= -.166, p<.01] significantly predicted close relationship with older men. Implications of these findings were discussed and recommendations were made by the researcher at the end of the study.


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