
  • Peninah K. MWENDA
  • Daniel OLAGO
  • Fredrick OKATCHA
  • Ali Adan ALI


Climate Change, Disasters, Vulnerability, Mental Health, Policies and Strategies.


The research on epidemiology on mental disorders related climate change disasters is inadequate to advice effective management and integrated implementation of the Paris agreement, Sustainable Development Goals and Sendai framework in the county. The objective of this research is to develop a strategy to mainstream climate change and related disasters into mental health policies and action plans in Isiolo County. Published and unpublished sources; questionnaires among focused group discussion selected sample size (N=24), Key Informants (N=35) and household socio-economic survey (N=288) were utilized to gain insight on current proposed and existing policies and programmes. These were compared to identify the linkages and existing gaps to be able mainstream mental health and extreme climate disaster risks in policies and plans in structure model framework. The study established that major health and non-health interventions during disasters included: provision of food and medicines (50.9% responses), support by Council of Elders (27.1% responses), restocking (10.2%) and minimal rehabilitation services (11.9% responses). The humanitarian programmes in rural areas is higher than in urban areas because the biggest risks of weather-related extremes lie in rural areas of which is expected to be pragmatic in future. The actor’s involvement to manage disaster risks in context of climate change extreme events on mental health is dismal. The model of inclusivity and integration suggests overlapping and complementary practices of preparedness, response, and recovery. An alternative and participatory Climate Change Disaster Adaptation Model was devised to strengthen institutional coordination mechanisms and monitoring to improve adaptation and resilience building approaches. Climate change and health strategic interventions require a nexus approach, consisting of trans-disciplinary team. The inclusion of the improved climate adaptation planning and sectoral integration in relevant new and existing policies adaptation action plan to focus on development of planning processes and strategies that apply to environmental psychology by use of CCDAM model is proposed.  


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