Occupational stress, stress perception, coping mechanisms.Abstract
Occupational stress is common among workers in many organizations, especially individuals that work in extremely rigorous and demanding institutions like the bank. Thus, the study was aimed at investigating gender differences in the perception and handling of Occupational stress among bank workers in Ibadan metropolis. The theory of job demands-control (support) was used as the theoretical framework for this study. Data was obtained through quantitative research methods, in detecting the levels of stress within the organization, the perceptions of workers concerning their jobs and working environments, stress management techniques and job control. Purposive sampling method was used to select 300 respondents from 15 commercial banks within Ibadan metropolis. Findings from the study showed that there is gender difference in the way bank workers handle occupational stress and the coping mechanisms adopted. In testing the hypotheses, with a t-value 3.205, it was identified that male and female workers perceived stress similarly while the t-test results showed that respondents did not have adequate control over their jobs although in comparing the both genders, the males had more control over their jobs than female workers. In view of these findings, the paper recommends thatbanking institutions should create and encourage their workers to participate in recreational activities and events. The paper also recommends that bank workers should seek social support from friends and family members as coping mechanism rather than succumbing to negative coping mechanisms like smoking and consuming alcohol. ÂReferences
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