Work shift, burnout, perceived vulnerability, psychological health and nursesAbstract
The study investigated the predictive role of work shift, burnout and perceived vulnerability on psychological health among nurses.Globally, the nursing profession is one occupation laden with high demands, physically and even emotionally. Part of the stress is driven by the need for time to time shift work schedules, burnout and perception of vulnerability to work which have roles to play in the psychological health nurses.  The research design adopted was the cross-sectional method where 247 nurses in a renowned teaching hospital were conveniently sampled. Results revealed that work shift, burnout and perceived vulnerability jointly accounted for 10.3% variation in psychological health. Independently, perceived vulnerability (β =-.264; t=.-3.620; P<.05) was the major predictor of psychological health. However, burnout (β=-031 t=-.323; >.05) and shift work (β= .115; t=-1.948; P>0.5) did not independently predict psychological health. Further analysis revealed that when combined together gender, age and educational qualification accounted for 11.2% variation in psychological health. Albeit, result revealed that only educational qualification (β =-.170; t= -2.420; P<.05) independently predicted psychological health among nurses. It was concluded that psychological and demographic factors were significant predictors of psychological health and recommended that hospital management should take cognisance of this factors for policy formulations.References
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