
  • OKE Olubukola
  • TOM, Ruth


Human trafficking, Victims, Psychosocial well-being, Social support, Coping self-efficacy


 Background: The phenomenon of human trafficking has reached alarming proportions in Nigeria, yet there is limited research on the well-being of survivors receiving post-trafficking support services. Methods:One hundred and three (103) survivors of human trafficking in National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons, (NAPTIP) shelter, Lagos Zonal Command, Lagos state responded to the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 12), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social support and Trauma Coping Self –efficacy Scale respectively. Results: 57.7% of perpetrators of respondents had been trafficked by their friends, 32% by unrelated persons and 9.6% by family members. There were strong, negative relationship between perceived social support (r = -.784) and trauma coping self-efficacy with psychosocial well-being (r = -.871). For the domains of trafficking experience, physical abuse (r = .548) and sexual victimisation (r = -.472) had moderate positive relationships with psychosocial well-being. There was a significant difference in mean score of psychosocial well-being between males and females (t-2.721= 28.315, p < .005).Conclusions: Trafficked people receiving post-trafficking support services after returning to their country of origin should be provided with access to comprehensive medical services for possible long-term physical and mental health needs. There is need for further studies on comprehensive experience of trauma by the victims as well as their instrumental needs for post-trafficking support. 



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