Health-related quality of life, Psycho-education, Vesico vaginal fistula, Positive psychosocial factors.Abstract
Background: With psycho-educational programs, patients diagnosed with vesico vaginal fistula can have increase in their psychosocial factors and health-related quality of life.Objective: To determine the efficacy of the eight-session group psycho-educational program designed to improved positive psychosocial factors and health-related quality of life.Method: A pretest/posttest control group design was used to evaluate the efficacy of psycho-education.A structured questionnaire which tapped information on socio-demographic characteristics: HRQoL (α=0.79), Pain Self-efficacy (α=0.81), Optimism (α=0.82), Social support (α=0.87), Coping strategies (α=0.80) and Perceived cultural practices (α=0.91) scales was administered to the participants. Thirty participants clinically diagnosed VVF patients with low scores on HRQoL were randomly assigned into two groups of 15 (experimental and control) at the VVF unit of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria. Treatment which consisted of eight sessions focused on knowledge of VVF, awareness of positive qualities, psychological impact of VVF and visual tools on VVF were involved. The HRQoL was used for assessing quality of life at posttest.Results: The VVF patients in the experimental group at posttest had significant higher mean score on HRQoL (89.02±1.09) compared to the control group at posttest with lower mean score (79.11±1.10). They also scored higher on optimism (59.05±7.25), self-efficacy (48.52±9.34), problem-focused (66.13±9.62), emotion-focused (54.17±8.91), social support (60.05±8.62) and lower on perceived cultural practices (33.74±9.30).Conclusion: Psycho-educational program improved psychosocial factors and health-related quality of life in sampled patients in Zaria. Relevant organizations should consider continuous application of psycho-education for longterm effect in improving the quality of life of vesico vaginal fistula patients.References
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