Mortality salience, job commitment, Ebola virus.Abstract
The objective of this research is that it established the relationship between Mortality Salience and Job commitment among public health workers in Lagos state. The Hypotheses are that, Mortality salience will have a significant negative relationship with Job commitment among Public health workers in Lagos. A correlational research design was used for this study. One hundred and ninety two participants were selected using purposeful sampling technique and they included 118 male participants and 74 female participants whose age ranged between 18-55 years. The mean age was 25.51 years. The standardised instruments used for the work were two. The instruments are Mortality salience scale and Job commitment scale. Also, Independent T-test was used to statistically analyse the data. The result shows that Mortality salience has a significant positive relationship with the job commitment of Public health workers in Lagos. The result was adequately discussed and various recommendations are made.References
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