Career plateauing, work attitudes, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational justice, turnover intention, bank workers.Abstract
This study was conducted to examine the moderating roles of organizational justice and turnover intention in career plateauing and work attitudes of bank workers in Nigeria. Correlational and regression analyses were employed to test the seven formulated hypotheses. Results showed, among other things, that there was a significant influence of career plateauing on job satisfaction (β = -.173, t = 11.486, p < .05) and organizational commitment (β = -.203, t = 9.937, p < .05) and significant moderating roles of organizational justice and turnover intention in career plateauing and both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. It was recommended, among other things, that employers should watch out for and take steps to prevent objective and subjective career plateauing among their employees in order to foster positive work attitudes, thereby enhancing employee performance and organizational effectiveness.References
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