Leadership style, Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, Employee learningAbstract
This research examined influence of leadership styles on employee learning. A total number of two hundred and fifty five (255) participants took part in the study and this includes 134 (51.9%) males and 121 (46.9%) females, academic and non-academic staff from five faculties of the University of Ibadan. Structured questionnaires were employed for data collection. Four hypotheses were stated and tested with a 2x2 ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that employee learning under high or low transformational leadership style was not significantly different [F (1,254) = 0.12; P >.05]. While transactional leadership style had a significant main influence on employee learning [F (1,254) = 7.96; P<.01]. The result also revealed that both transformational and transactional leadership styles had no significant interaction influence on employee learning [F(1,254) = 0.01; P >.05]. Gender and academic qualification did not also jointly or independently influence employee learning. In conclusion, the study showed that, transactional leadership can positively enhance employee learning and innovative orientation which is an important factor that leads to project or organizational success and performance. Therefore, leaders must carefully adopt leadership styles that are transactional in nature as it has the capacity to bring about a culture of learning amongst employees. It was then recommended that some other contextual factors such as ethnicity, religion, level of exposure, etc might be found relevant in employee learning.References
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