Immigration Officers, Organizational Based Self-Esteem, Emotional AdjustmentAbstract
This study investigated the influence of organizational based self-esteem on emotional adjustment among Immigration officers. Cross-sectional survey research design was adopted and data gathered from 227 immigration officers. Age distribution ranged from 19 and 56 years old, with the average age being 32 years, 9 months (SD = 8.73). Findings revealed that immigration officers with high level of organizational based self-esteem reported higher emotional adjustment than those with low level of organizational based self-esteem [t (225) = 5.26; P<.01]. Socio-demographic factors (Age, religion, family background, marital status, ethnicity, educational level, sex and work level) accounted for about 15% variance in emotional adjustment {R = .38; R2 = .15; F (8, 218) = 4.72; P<.01}; however, only ethnicity (β = .14; t = 2.23; P<.05) and work level (β = -.19; t = -2.74; P<.05) independently predicted emotional adjustment. It was therefore recommended that immigration, as an arm of Nigeria paramilitary, should endeavor to identify and provide the necessary and enabling environment that will place immigration officers in psychologically stable position to carry out their day-to-day activities.ÂReferences
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