This study examined the differences in the relationship between leadership styles, employees’ job-related factors and organizational commitment in some selected public and private organisations in Nigeria. A survey of four hundred and fifty-seven (457) employees of private and public sector organisations offering financial services was undertaken using a structured self-report questionnaire. One hundred and eighty-four 184(40.3%) of the respondents were from private organizations and two hundred and seventy-three 273 (59.7%) were from public organizations. The age of the respondents ranged from 22 to 54years with a mean age of 35.77years and standard deviation of 12.76 years. There were 259 (56.7%) males and females 198(43.3%). Data was analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis (PPMC) and t-test for independence measure. The result demonstrated that there were significant positive relationships between transformational leadership style [r = .14], transactional leadership style [r = .10], job satisfaction [r = .42], and organizational commitment. Employees in private organization significantly reported more organizational commitment than employees in public organization t [455] = 4.08, P<.05. Pattern of Leadership styles-job satisfaction and organisational commitment relationship was similar for both affective and continuance dimensions organisationational commitment, however only job satisfaction was associated normative commitment in public organisations (r = .18, p<.05). In contrast transformational (r = .18, p<.05), transformational (r = .16, p<.05) leadership styles and job satisfaction (r = .45, p<.05) were significant correlates of normative commitment in private organisations. The findings in the study were discussed in the light of emerging literature on leadership, job-related factors, commitment and organizational research.References
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