
  • Olubunmi TIJANI ENIOLA Department of Psychology,University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • Peter Oluwafemi FAMAKINDE Department of Psychology,University of Ibadan, Nigeria.


Leader-member exchange, organizational citizenship behaviour


Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) has been described as an extra-role behavior or behavior that employees display which is above and beyond formal role requirements, but the influence of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and its dimensions on organizational citizenship behavior are not well understood. This study examined the influence or contribution of each of the components of leader-member exchange and gender on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour OCB. The study utilized cross-sectional survey design that used snowball and convenience sampling techniques to select two hundred (200) workers of the Nigeria Breweries Plc, Ibadan, comprising 134 junior employees and 66 supervisors. A structured self-administered questionnaire which consisted of three sections measuring Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and demographic variables was administered for data collection. Results indicated a significant joint influence of all the components of Leader-Member Exchange (loyalty, affect, contribution and professional respect) on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) [F (4, 195) = 3.116, R2 = 0.060; p < .01]. Independently, loyalty predicted sportsmanship (β = .223; p < .05) and total OCB (β = .230; p < .01); contribution predicted altruism (β = -.180; p < .05) and professional respect predicted civic virtue (β = .199; p < .05). It was concluded that loyalty is the strongest predictor of organizational citizenship behavior and recommends that organizations should encourage friendship among workers as this affects employees’ work related attitude and behaviours, which in turn enhance organizational production.


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