Quality of life, HIV/AIDS, Self-Efficacy, Positive Thinking and OptimismAbstract
 Quality of Life of HIV patients has not only been recognized as a health problem, but a development challenge, throughout the world with Nigeria on the alarming rate. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of role of self-efficacy, positive thinking and optimism on quality of life among HIV patient in university college hospital (UCH) and Adeoyo maternity hospital in Ibadan. This study adopted an ex-post facto design. A total number of one hundred and fifty one (151) participants were selected by the researcher using purposive sampling technique. A structured questionnaire consisted of demographics and scales were used to collect data in this study. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested using bi-variate and multi-variate statistical techniques. The result showed that, there was joint effect of 58% of Self-Efficacy, Positive Thinking, and Optimism on quality of life (F(3,151)=24.99, R=.58, R²=.32, P<.05). There was significance differences in Self Efficacy of Low and High respondents (t(149)=-7.94, p<.05), on dating relationship. There is no significant differences between Patients with High Positive and Low Positive Thinking on dating relationship (t(147)= -.50, p>.05), There is also no significant differences between Patients with High optimism and Low optimism on dating relationship (t(149)=.35, p>.05), Gender, Age, Religion, Educational Qualification and Marital Status jointly predict Quality of life. (F(5, 151) =4.11, R=.35, R2=.12, p<.05).furthermore, Age (B= -.40, β = -.16, t= -1.92, p< .05), and gender (B= -12.35, β = -.32, t= -4.00, p< .05) independently  predict Quality of Life while Religion (B= .10, β = .14, t= 1.77, p> .05), Educational Qualification (B= 1.12, β = .06, t= .73, p> .05), and Marital Status (B= 2.29, β = .10, t= 1.21, p> .05), did not independently predict quality of life. It was concluded in this study that there was significant role of self-efficacy, positive thinking and optimism on quality of life, hence it is highly recommended that health psychologists, and social workers need to mount intervention programmes designed to enhance self-efficacy which in the long run affect positive thinking, optimism of patient with HIV so as to achieve a healthy quality of life.ÂReferences
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