
  • Chiyem Lucky NWANZU Department of Psychology, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.
  • Onome Claudette UCHE - OKOLO Department of Business Administration, National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria.


Training and development, on-the-job training, off-the-job training, job performance, and non-academic staff


This study examines the influence of training and development on job performance of non-academic staff of Delta State polytechnic, Ogwashi-uku, Nigeria. The design of this study was ex post facto and data collection tool was questionnaire. Ninety-eighty participants drawn with convenience sampling techniques were used for data analysis. The participants consist of 51 (52%) males and 47 (48%) female. Data analysis revealed that among non-academic staff of the polytechnic training and development make significant difference on job performance, t(df; 96)=.1.94 < 0.05, two tailed, eta2 0.01),  degree of exposure  to training and development make no significant difference on job performance,  t(df; 79 )= .22 > 0.05, two tailed,eta2 0.0006), and type of training and development make no significant difference on job performance, t(df; 60.4)=. 1.13, > 0.05, two tailed, eta2 0.004).  It was concluded that training and development has small effect on job performance. Further study should adopt mixed method and examine intervening variables in the relationship.


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