communication, leadership, scale re-validation, Nigerian sampleAbstract
The Perceived Leadership Communication Questionnaire (PLCQ-OR) is a short, reliable, and valid instrument for measuring leadership communication from the perspectives of the follower. Drawing on a need to include this research tool in future investigations focusing on Nigerian based organizations, this article describes the re-validation of the one-dimensional 6-item scale using a sample of customer service providers in the local and international airline industry (N = 298). As a result of model fit indices using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, item 2 was removed from the model being justified to be candidate for deletion as it is too similar to items 5 and 6. For internal consistency, factor loading results range from.84 to -.97, which is above the suggested threshold; Composite reliability results show (0.96) and AVE validity results show (.89), both of which are also above the threshold. Discriminant validity indicate that a moderate positive relationship exists between perceived leadership communication and dimensions of organizational commitment; affective (r=.42, p<.05), continuance (r=.46, p<.05) and normative commitment (r=.42, p<.05).References
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