
  • Enobakhare UWADIAE Department of Mental Health, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.
  • Israel O AINA Department of Mental Health, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.


Substance, psychopathology, morbidity


The objective of the study was to examine the common trend of substances used among a group of tertiary institution students, the presence of psychopathology and the relationship between them. The students of a tertiary educational institution in Edo State (Edo State Polytechnic, Usen) formed the study population. The instrument was designed for socio-demographic data collection and the 12 item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ 12) to screen for psychopathology with a cut off point of 0/1. A total of 172 respondents participated. Males were more (61.6%) with a mean age of 23.32±6.20. A percentage of 43.6 consumed alcohol, while smoking was found in 29.1% and 51.8% do not consume any psychoactive substance. Approximately 54.65% of the respondents had psychopathologies, but this did not have any statistically significant relationship with substance use. Substance use was not significantly associated with psychiatric morbidity in this study population.


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