Relationship study, Organisational justice, Job Satisfaction, Industrial EmployeesAbstract
Employees are often heard complaining about their workplace management on issues relating to injustice in decision making, remuneration and interpersonal relationship which they considered working against their performance at work. It is against this background that this study looks at the influence of organizational justice on job satisfaction of employees in the manufacturing sector in Ogun State. The descriptive research design of the ex-post facto was used for the research. The population of the study consists of staff of five firms at the manufacturing sector in Ogun state, Nigeria. Five firms were randomly selected from manufacturing firms within the industrial estate of Ogun State. From each firm, respondents were clustered into junior, middle and senior categories that are supervised by management level staff. Twenty staff that voluntarily wishes to partake in the research were selected to make sixty respondents from each firm giving a total of three hundred respondents. The main instrument used for the study is a questionnaire tagged “Organisational Justice and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (OJAJSQ)†with four sub-sections namely Distributive Justice Scale (DJS), Procedural Justice Scale (PJS), Interactional Justice Scale (IJS), Job Satisfaction Scale (PWS) with a responding format of a 4-point rating scale ranging from strongly agree (SA) = 4 to strongly disagree (SD) = 1 with reliability of 0.87. The questionnaires were personally administered by the researcher to the respondents. Data were analysed using simple percentages for demographic characteristic of the respondents, mean and standard deviation used for item analyses of the questionnaire content and hypotheses using Pearson Product Moment Correlation at 0.05 level of significance. Finding showed that there is strong relationship between the three dimensions of organisational justice and job satisfaction in the following descending order distributive justice (r = 0.955); procedural justice (r = 0.968) and interactional justice (r = 0.966). This implies that the level of job satisfaction is a direct response to the perceived existence of organisational justice at the workplace. It was recommended that personnel managers and operational managers should pro-actively put mechanisms in place to enhance job satisfaction of employees and ultimately improve productivity and sustenance of both the organisation and the employees. Industrial social workers should advocate on behalf of employees so that managers would pay more attention to the means or the process of decision making for the organisational justice which could lead to substantial individual job satisfaction.References
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