


Emotional Labour, Conscientiousness, Career Fulfillments and Nurses


 This study investigated the influence of demographic factors, emotional labour and conscientiousness on career fulfillment of nurses in Ibadan. It adopted a  descriptive research design of expost -facto type . Purposive sampling  technique was used to select  380 participants from three hospitals in Ibadan metropolis (male 64, female 316)  Emotional Labour Scale ( [email protected]), Conscientiousness inventories ( [email protected])  and Career Fulfillment Scale (CFS-@ 0.71)  were  used  and three research questions were answered  with  Multiple Regression Analysis and Pearson Product Movement Correlation Analysis (PPMC) at 0.05 level of significance. The results  revealed that Conscientiousness and Emotional Labour significantly  predicted  Career Fulfillment of nurses  ( F (7, 372) = 36.927, p<05), which implies that 39.9% of the variance is accounted for by the combination of emotional labour, conscientiousness, Age, Gender, marital status, Education, length of service. The results further showed that conscientiousness has the highest contribution to career fulfillment. This is followed by emotional labour , while age, Gender marital status Education and length of service did not . Based on the findings, it was recommended that nurses should have more ample knowledge of conscientiousness and emotional labour, because the better understanding of these variables will facilitates improved career fulfillment among the nurses  


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