
  • Mathew O. O. OLASUPO
  • Damilare A. FAGBENRO


, Perceived Competence, Workplace Deviant Behaviour, Workplace Discrimination


The study considered the mediating effect of perceived competence in the relationship between workplace discrimination and workplace deviant behavior among university employees in Southwestern Nigeria. Using a correlational research design, data were collected from university employees in four purposively selected Universities (n = 384, Females = 45.7%). Their age ranged from 21 to 63 years (median age = 48 years, SD = 9.36). Data collected using three standardized psychological scales were analysed using Pearson moment correlation and Hierarchical Multiple Regression analysis. Results showed that there was a significant inverse relationship between workplace discrimination and workplace deviant behaviour {r (382) = -.57, p<0.05}, and that perceived competence mediated the relationship between workplace discrimination and workplace deviance among the respondents (β = -54; t = -.12.74; p<.01). The study concluded that workplace discrimination has significant negative relationship with workplace deviant behaviour and perceived competence mediated the relationship between workplace discrimination and work place deviant behaviour. Based on these findings, the study recommended that university managements should engage the services of professional organizational/industrial psychologists in developing psychological test aimed at improving competence among university staff which invariably will reduce work deviant behaviour. 


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