WhatsApp, Mobile Phone, Mobile Learning, Attitude, Adult Learners.Abstract
   This study examined the use of WhatsApp mobile application as a tutorial delivery tool for advanced learners at the University of Ibadan Model Literacy Centre. An exploratory research design was adopted and the purposive sampling technique used in selecting participants for the study. Specifically, the study comprised 20 learners from the advanced level of a University of Ibadan adult literacy programme. The technology tool employed for the study was WhatsApp mobile application. This application was used as a tutorial delivery tool for the adult learners. Participants in this study were exposed to a learning unit in English Language. Two research questions were raised and analyzed qualitatively. The result of the analysis indicated that WhatsApp mobile application could be used as tutorial delivery tool for adult learners following the prescribed procedures and model designed. In conclusion, four lessons were learned which include spacing of content for learners, quizzes, feedback and learner support. Based on these findings, it was recommended that researchers need to extensively respond to the growing need of a body of research in this area, especially building models that work for the use of social media for the improvement of literacy deliver and facilitators of literacy programmes should be equipped with the skills of using mobile technologies, particularly the social media such as WhatsApp for learning in the adult literacy class. ÂReferences
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