Communication Performance, Integration, Mix Elements, Limitations, Diffusion.Abstract
 The construct of Integrated Marketing Communication predisposes, multi-facetted activities. The progression, however, is towards a common goal, predetermined by the commercial producer. There is the problem of ascertaining how that construct currently stands. Also, the need arises to draw out the militating antitheses of Integrated Marketing Communication despite the acclaim and ascendancy. This study, therefore, aims at examining how Integrated Marketing Communication stands as at today. It also attempts to identify key conceptual and systemic factors that work against it. This is a theoretical study, and the technique is essentially hinged on the discussion mode. It is a secondary research and data have been sourced from existing body of knowledge. The work found that the construct of Integrated Marketing Communication still embraces advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, publicity and public relations as well as personal selling, to a large extent. These elements continue to drive the thrust of Integrated Marketing Communication activities. Antitheses such as cross-departmental conflicts and the size /nature of organizations impede optimum performance. Since Integrated Marketing Communication does not work in every organization, implementers must ascertain compatibility before commitment? Horizontal harmony across the co-operating departments is also strongly recommended. ÂReferences
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