Healthy ageing, older people, income and social status, social connectedness, physical activityAbstract
Old age is a developmental period of declining health and functioning. Developmental psychologists argued that living actively and successfully after the age of 65 implies healthy lifestyle habits that start as early as possible in life. Thus, it becomes imperative to examine the factors that could predict healthy ageing. This study investigated the moderating influence of income and social status, social connectedness and physical activity on healthy ageing among older adults. A total sample of 48 males and 39 females (87 subjects) between 65 and 80 years who participated in the study were volunteers recruited from institutions such as community centers, welfare centers, and church programmes for adults in Ibadan metropolis. Descriptive research design of correlation type was used in the study. Four standardized scales were administered to the respondents and the data obtained was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression analysis. Three research questions were raised and answered in the study. The result showed that healthy ageing significantly correlated with income and social status (r = .783; p<.05), social connectedness (r = .693; p<.05) and physical activity (r = .863; p<.05), independent variables (income and social status, social connectedness and physical activity) have significant effect on the healthy ageing of older adults(R =.711 & R2 =.674) which means that the independent variables accounted for 67.4% in the prediction of healthy ageing. Each of the independent variables made a significant contribution to the prediction of healthy ageing and in term of magnitude of contribution, social connectedness made the most significant contribution (Beta= .663; t= .856; p<0.05) to the prediction while other variables made significant contributions in the following order: income and social status (Beta= .283; t= .503; p<0.05) and physical activity (Beta= .154; t= .375; p<0.05). Based on the finding of the study, it was recommended that older people should maintain social connection with family and friends. Government should adopt measures that could improve the economy of the country.References
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