
  • R A Animasahun


Suicidal behaviour, Depression, Substance use, School achievement, Interpersonal relationship, Self esteem, Environmental factors.


  ANIMASAHUN, R.A.  Department of Counselling and Human Development StudiesUniversity of Ibadan, Ibadan.Phone: 08035796840; E-mail: [email protected] ANIMASAHUN, V.OTeacher Education Department, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.  ABSTRACTSuicide is a serious health problem as it is currently the third leading cause of death for teenagers between the ages of 15 and 24 years. Depression, which is also a serious problem for adolescents, is one of the significant biological and psychological risk factor for youth suicide. Substance use remains extremely widespread among today’s youths and is related to both suicide mission and depression.  This study therefore examined psychosocial predictors of suicide mission among Nigerian youths. The study adopted a descriptive survey design of the expost-facto  type. Three hundred (300) students participated in the study with a total of 108 (36.0%) males and 192 (64.0%) females. Their ages ranged between 12 and 20 years with a mean of 16.11 years.  Seven standardized instruments were used. Two research questions were raised and answered. The result indicated a significant joint and relative contributions of the independent variables to the prediction of suicide behaviour. Based on the findings of the result, it was recommended that more effective ways of working with the adolescents who are at risk of suicide or have potential to commit suicide needed to be designed. First, it is necessary to understand the unique characteristics of adolescents‘ physical, mental, and socio-psychological features. By understanding adolescents‘ unique features that may be related to suicidal risks, Counsellors, social workers and parents could work proactively to prevent suicide and make more effective interventions.  


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