organizational change, stress, employees and psychological wellbeingAbstract
    The study investigated the influence of organizational changes, stress, and working experience on well being of bankers in Lagos state.    The study adopted descriptive research design of survey type to investigate the effects of organizational change and stress on employee psychological wellbeing among workers in private organizations in southwest Nigeria. The population of the study consists of all workers in private organizations in southwest Nigeria. Simple random sampling techniques were used to select two organizations from each state in the southwestern Nigeria. While fifty participants were selected through proportionate sampling techniques from each of the state  .Three validated and adapted instruments were used to collect data from the participants, these were organizational change inventory, occupational stress scale and workers well being scale. Data were analyzed using Multiple Regression analysis to answer the research questions at 0.05 level of significance.  The findings revealed that organizational change and stress significantly predicted the wellbeing of workers in private organizations; also gender, age and working experience made relative contribution to the wellbeing of workers in the organization. Based on these findings, it is recommended that managements ,government, policy makers and organizational psychologists should put in place policies and factors that can enhance wellbeing of workers in their organizations and as well as help to reduce their stress that comes with changes in the organizations. ÂReferences
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