Peer rejection, Skin colour, Self-esteem, Physical attractivenessAbstract
 Evidence has shown that adjustment problems associated with peer rejection impair a victim’s emotional health, having lasting negative consequences long after victimization has ceased. Thus, understanding factors that place adolescents and youths at risk for later peer rejection is an important research objective. Accordingly, the main aim of this study is to explore influence of skin colour satisfaction, self-esteem and self-attractiveness on perceived peer rejection among entry level tertiary students. A cross-sectional research design was adopted for the study. Data was collected from a sample of 341 entry level students. Stratified random sampling was employed in selecting the participants for the study. Each faculty in the University represented a stratum within the sampling frame. A structured questionnaire (comprising of four standardized scales) was used to collect data from the participants of the study. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested using multiple regression and t-test of independent measures. Age, skin colour satisfaction, self-esteem and physical attractiveness jointly and independently predicted perceived peer rejection among entry level undergraduates in University of Ibadan [R=.466, R2 = .217, F = 13.818; P<.01]. Skin colour satisfaction (β=-.158; t=-2.766;P<.05) independently accounted for about 15.8% variance in perceived peer rejection, self-esteem (β=-.251; t=-3.944;P<.05) independently accounted for about 25.1% variance while physical attractiveness (β=-.042; t=-3.739;P<.05) independently accounted for about 4.2% variance in peer rejection among freshmen in the university. Gender also had significant influence on perceived peer rejection among fresh students in the university of Ibadan t (253) = -3.149, P < .05) with female students reporting significantly higher perceived peer rejection than their male counterpart. Given the reality of the level of self-evaluation in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic qualities, and its subsequent psychological effects on individuals in today’s society, changes must occur both on an individual and societal level to decrease the incongruent feeling not espoused by our culture in order to reduce self and body image disparagement.ÂReferences
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