Information and Communication Technology, Adoption, e-recruitmentAbstract
 The emerging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a vital tool in the conduct of staff recruitment. The process of conducting staff recruitment with the emerging ICT is referred to as e-recruitment and it offers a lot of benefits to Human Resource Management (HRM) Practitioners. Studies abound in the more developed societies on the level of adoption of e-recruitment and the infrastructural factors promoting the level of adoption, but there are only a few studies in this area in Nigeria. This study was, therefore, undertaken to investigate the perceived infrastructural factors affecting adoption of e-recruitment among HRM practitioners in South West Nigeria. The study was anchored on World System Theory and was conducted among HRM Practitioners in South West Nigeria. Primary data were collected through a questionnaire administered on 1032 respondents and the conduct of 20 In-Depth-Interviews. Data collected were analysed using both quantitative and qualitative techniques.The study identified technology dependence (84.6%), low internet penetration (86.0%), cost of acquisition, maintenance and upgrading of software (90.0%) and inadequate power supply (88.4%) as perceived major infrastructural factors affecting level of adoption of e-recruitment in South West Nigeria. It is recommended that Government and other stakeholders should improve the technological landscape of the country by providing relevant technological infrastructure; local investors should also design software that will be suitable and affordable to HRM Practitioners.ÂReferences
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