


Exclusion, Children, Intellectual Disabilities, Regular Classroom, Nigeria.


Study investigated why teachers exclude children with intellectual disability from the regular classrooms in Nigeria.  Participants were, 169 regular teachers randomly selected from Oyo and Ogun states. Questionnaire was used to collect data result revealed that 57.4% regular teachers could not cope with children with ID because of their learning difficulties.  84% of the teachers also disagreed that culture was a factor in the exclusion of children with ID.  Teachers with higher years teaching experience were found to be more favourable to exclusion.  It was recommended that as a matter of policy, regular teachers should be allowed to undergo training so as to enable them handle children with ID in the classroom. The Nigerian Government should also as a matter of policy discourage over population in the regular schools so that children with ID can be accommodated. Lastly, more experienced teachers should be encouraged to handle children at the Primary level of education in Nigeria.   


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