About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues is dedicated to the Scientific investigation of psychological and social issues and related phenomenon in Africa. The journal does not undertake to specify rigidly an appropriate domain of context, but intends rather to reflect current significant research of psychology and social issues. Although the journal primarily publishes reports of empirical research, other types of papers relevant to the development of an African view of psychology (such as theoretical analyses, literature reviews, methodological notes, observations on published articles etc.) are also sought.

Publication Frequency

Beginning from Volume 17 (2014), there shall be one volume per year but would come out in three (3) issues, April, August and December.  Hitherto, it was One Volume (two issues combined) per year that was being published.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Author Guidelines

  • The African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues is dedicated to the scientific investigation of psychological issues and related phenomena in Africa. The Journal does not undertake to specify rigidly an appropriate domain of content, but intends rather to reflect current significant research in various areas of psychology. Although the journal primarily publishes reports of empirical research, other types of papers relevant to the development of African view of Psychology (such as theoretical analyses, literature reviews, methodological notes, observations on published articles etc.) are also sought.

    Form of Manuscript: Manuscripts submission would be preferred electronically through the wed site (follow the instructions on the website. However, for those who wish to submit typed manuscript or through email address, the Manuscripts must be typewritten double-spaced on one side of A4 white paper. Typed script is preferred, but copies reproduced by multilith or xeros are acceptable if they are clearly legible and neat. All pages must be numbered. Three copies must be submitted, each copy including all figures and table. Page 1 should contain the title of the article, author(s) name(s) affiliation(s), a running title (abbreviated form of title) not exceeding 35 letters and spaces, and the complete mailing address of the person to whom correspondence should be sent. Page 2 should contain an abstract of 100-200 words, conforming to the style of Psychological abstracts. If you have any difficulty using the online submission system, kindly submit via this email: [email protected]/org . With questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected]

Figures: All graphs, drawings and illustrations are considered as figures and must be submitted in finished form consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of mention in the text. All figures must have descriptive legends types double-spaced on a separate page of the end of the article.

References should be cited in text by author’s name and publication date, e.g. Ajayi (1960). Literature citations should be arranged alphabetically and typed single-spaced at the end of the article. Journal title should be written out in full. Please note the following examples.

Bale, L. (1971) Reporting an experiment: A case study in leveling, sharpening, and assimilation, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 7, 157-172.

Balogun, S.K. & Ehigie, B.O. (1981).: The use of male and female therapists in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. In S. Woldu, & C.M. Agnew (Eds.), Issues in behaviour therapy. New York: Academic Press.

Ugwuegbu, D.C.E. (1992).: Psychology and Development. Ibadan: University Press.

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