


Emotional Intelligence, Academic self efficacy, Self esteem, Underachievement and High achievers.


            Gifted underachievement is everywhere across the lifespan of both children and adolescent, with a significant amount of time spent in school. Therefore school has a substantial impact on the academic development of every young people. It has been observed that high achieving students are increasingly faced by the problem of not achieving academically. Thus some of them have been tagged as “underachieversâ€.            The study adopted a descriptive survey design with a sample of 200 participants randomly selected from some secondary schools in Ibadan metropolis. Data were collected using emotional intelligence scale (r=0.79), Academic self efficacy scale (r=0.71), Self esteem scale (r=0.76) and underachievement scale (r=0.76). Data were analysed using pearson product moment correlation and multiple regression which were tested at 0.05 level of significant.            The independent variables (emotional intelligence, Academic self efficacy, self esteem) had significant joint contributing effect R2 on underachievement (F(3,195) = 73.426, P<0.05, which accounted for 53.0% (Adj. R2 = .530) variation in the prediction of underachievement among high achievers. While the most potent factor was efficacy (N=.426, t=7.384, P<.05) was ranked second in the distribution.There is a great tendency of sound academic performance among the high achieving learners if the predictor factors (emotional intelligence, academic self efficacy and self esteem) increases.Keywords: 


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