
  • Temple Addah TAMUNO-OPUBO
  • Edwin Isotu EDEH
  • Victor Ojuope ADENIYI
  • Ali Prince EDISEMI


Crisis, Trauma, Intervention, Psychosocial support, Psychological First Aid, Nigeria.


 This study aimed at the clarification and documentation of existing concepts of Psychological First Aid (PFA), its adoption and instances of manifestations in Nigeria. It utilised a systematic approach to review empirical studies on psychological first aid both at the national and international levels. It was established that there is no adequate scientific evidence for use of psychological first aid despite being widely supported by both expert’s opinion and rational conjectures. In Nigeria for instance, there was no known controlled study concerning the topic of discussion. Again, sufficient evidence supporting a treatment standard or treatment guideline is lacking. The study concludes that psychological first aid no doubt is a vital intervention capable of mitigating against psychological trauma in crises. We, therefore recommend that the Government of Nigeria initiate Psychological First Aid awareness programmes for the citizens. 


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