
  • ALABI Moruf Department of Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of the Social Science University of Ibadan, Ibadan
  • K. EWEDAIRO RMIT University, Melbourne Australia
  • O. A. OLAITAN Department of Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of Environmental Design and Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria


Land titling registration, Home ownership, Civil servants, Lagos state


The paper analysed land titling registration and home ownership among civil servants in Lagos state, Nigeria. Using multi-stage sampling technique, 313 respondents were selected from ten Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). Purposive sampling technique was used to select interviewees among civil servants working with the Land Bureau and estate agents that register titles. Findings revealed that only 23.8% respondents possessed titles documents. It was affirmed that title registration process was stressful, cumbersome and costly. The major challenges associated with title registrations were lengthy procedure, eligibility criteria for titling, poverty, the demands of land owning families popularly called ‘omo-onile’, and poor access to mortgage financing. There was a strong positive relationship between incomes received by civil servants and the amount of money expended on housing (r= 0.83). Practical and social implications- Lagos State Government is called upon to identify issues militating land titling registrations and address such by establishing simple fiscal land registers. This will allow installment payment for titling registration and grant temporary occupancy permits which can be converted to certificate of occupancy after full payment. With a well-established property right, lending institutions will be willing to grant more mortgage loans to prospective home owners.


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