


Female Employment, Role Conflict, Nursemaid, Contraceptives, Fertility, Port Harcourt-Nigeria.


  The Study examined influence of women employment, nursemaid and the pill on fertility of ever-married senior female employees at the University of PortHarcourt - Nigeria as a reference.  Primary information was obtained through questionnaire.  The women were mostly living with their spouse (86.3%) and had role conflict (77%).  Data showed that 48.7% of the women had a nursemaid, amongst who 63.4% experienced role conflict.  Average family size was low (3.1 children) with 27% having had a miscarriage (at an average of two times), 12.8% had still-birth and 18.8% exposed to abortion.  Abortion was unacceptable to the women, except when the pregnancy endangers the mother’s health (significant at z-statistics = 9.81; P < 0.0001).  Data revealed a significant relationship and degree of association between the possession of a nursemaid and contraceptive use by the women (P < 0.05 = 0.006; Coeff. = 0.2430).  Possession of a nursemaid and a possible ‘husband-nursemaid’ sexual affairs amidst fears about HIV/AIDS could increase contraceptive use among the women that has tendency to restrict their fertility. Self-discipline among husbands is recommended.   


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