
  • Alimi Muniru AJALA


Self-efficacy, Religiosity, Parental Background Variable, Use of Female Condom


  The study examined psychological and parental background variables predicting disposition to use of female condom use among educated unmarried girls in Lagos metropolitan area.  The study adopted correlational research design. A total number of four hundred and sixty-two educated girls were selected for the study by the researcher using convenience sampling. The mean age and standard deviation of participants were 19year and 8.79 respectively.  Three hypotheses were formulated and tested by the researcher. Results revealed significant positive relationship between self-efficacy and disposition to use of female condom (r=.76; df (460); P<.05) and significant negative relationship between religiosity and disposition to use of female condom (r= -.64; df (460); P<.05) among educated unmarried girls. It also showed significant positive relationship between parental educational qualification and disposition to condom use (r=0.70). Implications of these results were discussed by the researcher and recommendations made at the end of the study.  


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