
  • IDOWU M. OGUNKUADE Nigerian Copyright Commission, Abuja.
  • Ochinya O OJIJI Nasarawa State University, Keffi. Nigeria


Organisational Justice Scale, Validity Test, Reliability Test, Adaptation, Nigerian Research Environment.


This study was designed to validate the organisational justice scale for the purpose of adapting and localising the research instruments for the Nigerian context. The data for the validity test of the instrument consisted of the ratings of suitability of 20 items to measure the concept by fifteen (15) participants (12 males and 3 females) drawn from the population of academia and practitioners in human resource management, located in Abuja and Nasarawa State, Nigeria. While one hundred and eight (108) employees (47 males and 61 females)of some public and private organisations in Abuja, were the participants for the reliability test. Mean ratings of the items, Inter-rater correlations test and split-half reliability test were conducted on the data to obtain the psychometric coefficient of the validity and reliability of the questionnaire respectively. It was found that the instrument has both face and content validity. Likewise, the organisational justice scale with Cronbach Alpha=0.93 was found to be reliable. Consequently, the instrument was recommended for use in Nigerian research environment to study organisational justice.


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