
  • Ohunene Grace LEGBETI Department of Psychology Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna, Nigeria
  • BALOGUN S K Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan
  • OKORIE A Department of Psychology Nigerian Defence Academy Kaduna, Nigeria


Emotional Labour, Workplace Bullying, Organizational Bullying, workplace violence, Nigeria, Bank


Despite literature findings on the importance of emotions in employees’ subjective experience of work, wellbeing and performance, few studies have explored this in the Nigerian work environment. This study focused on examining the influence of emotional labour on perceived workplace bullying among bank employees within the Ibadan and Lagos Metropolis areas of Nigeria. A sample size of 1032 (55.4% male and 44.6% female) employees was conveniently sampled from selected banks. The results showed that emotional labour significantly predicted organizational bullying among bank employees (β=.235, p<.01). The findings, recommendations and implications were discussed accordingly.


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