
  • Kemi OGUNSOLA Africa Regional Centre for Information Science University of Ibadan Nigeria
  • Damilola Olanrewaju LASODE Africa Regional Centre for Information Science University of Ibadan Nigeria


Effective knowledge sharing among project members is crucial for project-based organizations in order to avoid past mistakes, improve work efficiency, and reduce failure risk of projects. Making appropriate design knowledge accessible to the right architects at the right time is central to team building and for sustaining competencies. However, despite the importance of knowledge sharing culture among design teams, members are not likely to share knowledge because of the potential threat associated with providing critical information to other design team members. This study provides answers to six research questions. Data were collected from 25 architects using one-on-one interviews, ranging from the principal architects to the trainee architects in thirteen architectural firms in the Ibadan metropolis. The study findings revealed that knowledge recovery, synergy and reciprocity are the major factors motivating knowledge sharing among the architects, while the factors inhibiting knowledge sharing are distrust, superiority complex, unwillingness to learn, over-criticism, mediocrity, treachery, and abuse of knowledge. This study therefore recommends attitudes of conflict avoidance, and suggested also that conservative habits should be eliminated to enhance effective sharing of architectural design knowledge; especially design knowledge containing some new thoughts or innovative ideas. The study further recommends that architectural firms should deploy more ICT infrastructure and services that can promote effective knowledge sharing amongst architects.


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