
  • J K MOJOYINOLA Department of Social Work, Faculty of Education University of Ibadan, Nigeria


Forgiveness, Health, Well-being, Betrayed Relational Partners, University students.


The study investigated the relationship between forgiveness, health and well-being of betrayed relational partners among University students. The descriptive survey research design of the ex-post facto type was adopted for the study. The purposive sampling technique was used in selecting the participants used for the study. Participants were 221 university students, made up of 71 male and 150 female partners who had been betrayed by their husband, wife, girl-friend, boy-friend, fianceand fiancé. A questionnaire; “Betrayed Partner’s Forgiveness, Health and Well-being Questionnaire†(BPFHAWBQ) was used to collect data for the study. Two hypotheses were tested, using independent t-test and zero order correlation. The study revealed that there was a significant difference in level of forgiveness of male and female betrayed relational partners.  Also, there were significant relationships between forgiveness and two of the dependent variables (health and spiritual well-being). However, forgiveness had no significant relationship with three of the dependent variables (physical, psychological and social well-being).Based on the above findings, it was recommended, that the betrayed relational partners should release or practice forgiveness regularly to remain healthy, and experience a high level of well-being.


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