
  • Olusola I AKINBOBOLA Department of Behavioural Studies, Redeemer’s University, P. M. B 230, Ede, Osun State Nigeria
  • Feyisola ADEROBA Department of Behavioural Studies, Redeemer’s University, P. M. B 230, Ede, Osun State Nigeria


Reciprocal determinism, violent conflict, Niger Delta


Violent conflict is reciprocated by the people of the Niger Delta region, Nigeria to the perceived injustice of the Federal Government and environmental threats posed by the multinational oil companies. Based on reciprocal determinism, this study examined the influence of personal factors comprising self-efficacy and outcome expectancy, situational factors comprising corporate social responsibility and perceived government support on violent conflict. A total of 200 participants were selected using convenient sampling technique from among beneficiaries of the government amnesty programme. Standardized psychological scales and supplemented semi-structured interview were adopted to collect data. Result  of  the hierarchical regression analysis shows that personal factors jointly accounted for 23% variation in violent conflict. The inclusion of situational factors resulted in 5% change in variance in violent conflict. In conclusion both personal factors and situational factors predicted violent conflict. Most of the beneficiaries experience violent conflict, positive perception of the Amnesty Programme and post-amnesty peace in the Niger Delta. Implication of findings is discussed in line with conflict management style and conflict management resolution.


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