


The occurrence of road traffic accidents and severe crash injuries involving commercial motorcyclist has risen significantly in recent times in Nigeria. Human factors, vehicular conditions and the state of Nigerian  roads  are  some  of  the  reasons  that  have  been  adduced  for  this  increase. Therefore this study examines alcohol use and locus of control as predictors of accident proneness among commercial motorcycle riders in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Cross-sectional research design was utilized. One hundred and fifty-three commercial motorcycle riders were accidentally sampled at motorcycle parks in Abeokuta. A structured questionnaire which focused on alcohol use scale, locus of control scale and accident proneness was administered to each respondent.  T-test for independent samples and multiple regressions, were used at p≤0.05, The results revealed that alcohol use predicted accident proneness (151)=4.134). Participants with external locus of control are more prone to accident t(151) = 2.271). There was joint influence of demographic variables on accident proneness [R = .295. R2 = 0.87; F (4,148) = 3.22]. Alcohol use and locus of control were important in accident proneness. There is need for psycho-educational talk on risk of alcohol consumption and frequent personality assessment among motorcycle riders.  


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